VFW Teacher of the Year Scholarship Award

VFW Teacher of the Year Scholarship Award ABOUT the AWARD
The VFW TEACHER OF THE YEAR SCHOLARSHIP AWARD (also called as the VFW’s National Citizenship Education Teachers’ Award) is sponsored by VFW – Veterans of Foreign Wars – an organization whose mission is to “honor the dead by helping the living” through veterans’ service, community service, national security and a strong national defense. The organization has interest in America’s Youth education and the award is a way to recognize and facilitate America’s top elementary, junior high and high school teachers who educate on citizenship related topics regularly thereby highlighting and promoting America’s history and traditions.

The VFW was founded in 1899 to safeguard and protect the rights and benefits of the veterans for their service. It has been instrumental in this activity by seeking assistance through VFW’s National Legislative Service and VFW’s National Veterans Service. It is also involved in national security through the VFW’s National security and foreign affairs service. This organization also provides help to educate school children through its various departments. Finally the organization through its members contributes to the society through various community services including active participation in various regional and national events. One of such service is to provide support through the VFW TEACHER OF THE YEAR SCHOLARSHIP AWARD to teachers who promote America’s national tradition and ideals in education.

The VFW’s National citizenship education teacher award (VFW TEACHER OF THE YEAR SCHOLARSHIP AWARD) is presented annually and consists of $1,000 cash award for teachers in three categories namely K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. A $100 VFW scholarship is presented to the winning teacher’s school and plaques are provided to the teacher as well as the school and an all-expenses-paid trip to attend a VFW and Ladies Auxiliary National Conference.
All the current classroom teachers who are teaching at least half-day at any school in a classroom environment in grades K-12 are eligible. Nominations can be submitted by the fellow teachers, supervisors and other interested individuals. Relatives and self-nomination is not allowed. Also previous state and national VFW winners for the award are ineligible as well.

The nominating individual has to fill in the application form and provide a short essay (less than 350 words) specifying the reason the nominee should be selected for the VFW National Citizenship Education Teacher Award. The essay should describe in detail the teacher’s innovative teaching and resource development methods, as well as his or her dedication to education.

The completed application material needs to be submitted to the local VFW chapters or POST. Based on the nominees submitted, VFW’s local chapters recognize one outstanding teacher in grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. These selected winners are then submitted to their District-level judging, who will forward their winners to the Department (or state) level. After judging, each Department then forwards the names of its winners to VFW National Headquarters for consideration in the national awards contest. The last day for nomination is November 01. Local selections are done from Nov 2 to Nov 15.

VFW aims to “Identify and recognize America’s best educators” and understands the need to do so. Unless the teachers are encouraged, the youth will never be able to understand the rich history of America. The VFW TEACHER OF THE YEAR SCHOLARSHIP AWARD provided by Veterans of Foreign Wars is one means to achieve this.

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  1. AMS Teacher Scholarships For Montessori | ScholarshipsGrants.us - pingback on August 28, 2009 at 10:58 am
  2. SPS Scholarships for Future Teachers | ScholarshipsGrants.us - pingback on August 31, 2009 at 2:13 pm

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