Izaak Walton Scholarship Program for Environmental

Walton Scholarship Program for Environmental

Izaak Walton Scholarship

If improving the environment is the end goal, and you are planning to pursue an education that will allow you to do this, you will definitely want to consider applying for the Izaak Walton scholarship or the IWLA National Scholarship Program for environmental, sponsored by the Izaak Walton League of America (IWLA). The IWLA serves to protect soil, water, forests, and other natural resources in the United States, and with their Walton scholarship program, they hope to aid in the education of those who hold the same concerns and values as their members do.

If you are currently enrolled – or intend to enroll – in a program of study that includes forestry, wildlife, environmental sciences, natural resource management, parks and recreation, ecology, biology, zoology, or any other related fields; you may be eligible for the IWLA National Scholarship Program. Two Walton scholarships are available each year – one in each of two different categories. Each Walton scholarship program amount is $2500, and each winner receives an engraved plaque. Each winner also receives one year of membership in the IWLA.

The first category that the Walton scholarship is awarded in is the Chapter/Division category. In this category, you should have already won the IWLA scholarship in the past. You must be an undergraduate in an approved field of study, be a junior or senior, and have at least one semester remaining before you receive your degree.

The second category is for a person who is the child or an IWLA member, or a current IWLA member. The membership must have been active for at least one year prior to the application. The winner will be an undergraduate, a junior or senior, and have at least one semester left before graduation. If you have already won an IWLA National Scholarship Program award in the past, you must apply for the first category, as you will not be eligible for the second category.

If you are awarded a Walton scholarship from the IWLA, the fund must be used for tuition and fees, books, room and board, and other education related expenses. The payment of the funds can be made directly to you, or to your school. If you do win a Izaak Walton scholarship under this program, before you change your course of study, you must notify the IWLA first.

The deadline for applying for the Walton scholarship program is April 1st of each year. All applications must be complete, and must include an essay, a letter of reference, two letters of recommendation from a member of the faculty at your college, and be signed by your departments head. All applications must also be mailed and not submitted online. Awards will be based on numerous factors, including your understanding and knowledge of different environmental issues.

Due to the recent state of our environment, and future expectations, employment and career opportunities in the various environmental fields are expanding. If the environment and conservation of our natural resources matter to you a great deal, and you plan to get an education that will enable you to help in this area, you should contact the Izaak Walton National Scholarship Program for environmental as soon as possible and apply.

The Udall Scholarship for Native Americans are Enviromental Scholarships


  1. This is the kind of conservation organizations we need today along with their respective scholarship programs to keep our world moving in the right direction. After-all we only have one world and if we mess it up then we don’t get a second chance…..Here is the mission statement of the IWLA:
    “The environment is everyone’s issue. We believe that America needs smart solutions that are good for the environment and the economy at the same time. Relying on our unique blend of community-based conservation and common-sense advocacy, the League has made significant progress to protect and restore our nation’s waters, promote clean energy, and advance sustainable agriculture”.
    I don’t know about everyone else but the above is poetry to me. I happen to be hugh on conservation because I was born that way. It’s like a sixth sense I have which keeps telling me to be this way. I wish more people had it!

  2. Enviromental studies could be the next biggest boom for our world economy. All countries will be seen as politically right if they abide by the IWLA standards and many other organizations too. Many careers will be easily gotton…for example if you like politics you can be an environmental political laizon to other countries on enviromental issues – ways to improve all the wrongs of the past.

  3. Crazy about the Vegetarian Scholarships | UnclaimedScholarships.us - pingback on February 17, 2010 at 12:11 pm

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