The Davis Scholarship is International


The Davis Scholarship

The Davis Scholarship given out through the Davis United World College Scholars Program are available at 91 different institutions in the United States and represents one of the largest international scholarship programs available in the world. Founded in 2000, the Davis United World College Scholars Program currently provides financial support for over 2,000 different students at their various partner colleges having grown immensely since its origins. With partners like the University of Michigan – Ann Arbor and Harvard College as institutions which participate in the Davis Scholarships program, it is difficult to deny that the organization provides support for great potential educational outcomes.

Essential to the goals of the scholarship program is providing assistance at an international level, giving out the vast majority of its assistance to foreign nationals. While a good number of scholarships are given out to citizens in the United States, the program really garners its great respect from the fact that so many of its recipients are financially needy students outside of the US. Davis Scholarships represent a fantastic opportunity not only to American students but to interested applicants all over the world, giving not only a single year’s worth of aid but also allowing students to renew their Davis scholarships in following years.

Important to understand is that grants are not given directly to individual students through a Davis Scholarship. Rather, the Davis United World College Scholars Program provides grants to its 91 participating institutions which are then given out as Davis Scholarships to winning students. In order to be eligible for a Davis Scholarship, students will need to check eligibility requirements at the institutions to which they are applying. This of course means that deadlines will also change institution to institution. The basic eligibility requirements are pretty simple in that they require students be attending a college from a school identified as participating with the Davis United organization and be able to demonstrate financial need. Students looking to identify a college which receives Davis United grants should look at their website under “Participating Institutions.” While the links will not always bring you to a website detailing the Davis Scholarship provided at that particular institution, it’s a great way to get an idea of where students may be able to go and receive financial aid from the program.

A good example of a place which offers Davis Scholarships is the College of Idaho which in 2011 funded six different Davis United scholars. This program gives out $10,000 per year for undergraduate studies at the College of Idaho and also offers dedicated support services for enrolled students. Eligibility guidelines require that students not be transferring in from another institution, and be enrolled at the College of Idaho. All Davis Scholarships at the College of Idaho are renewable for up to four years.

Students interested in attending the University of Richmond can receive a Davis Scholarship of up to $20,000 depending on financial need. They are all renewable for up to four years. It becomes clear pretty quickly that an immense amount of money is available for students interested in becoming a Davis United World College Scholar.

Students from 133 different nations around the world have received a Davis Scholarship for one amount or another. Paramount to the program is the demonstration of financial need, meaning that students coming from poorer areas of the world with a heavy need for assistance will find a good friend in the program should they be able to meet academic criteria. Since criteria vary heavily from school to school, students will need to look through and contact the appropriate persons responsible for implementation of the program at their university of choice. Since so many different awards are given out every year, and the selection pool with regards to institutions eligible to give out awards is relatively small, students have a decent chance of snagging one of these Davis scholarships if they have the academic chops and are able to demonstrate what they need in terms of finances.

Davis UWC Scholars Program
Adirondack House
Middlebury College
Middlebury, VT 05753
Phone: (802) 443-3180

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