College Scholarships for Transfer Students

transfer student scholarships

Transfer Student Scholarships

It’s a good thing their are college transfer student scholarships because being a transfer student is not always the easiest thing in the world. On top of entering a new institution and having to learn your way around, transfer students are also often new to an area and have not made a lot of new friends immediately. Without formal social networks established finding work can be difficult and, as a result, finding funding for educational interests can become much more difficult. Fortunately there are many college scholarships for transfer students designed specifically for those students coming to a new college from another, seeking high educational attainment in their lives. While some of these college transfer student scholarships are open on an institution by institution basis, many of them are available nationally for students from diverse backgrounds.

When starting your scholarship application process, students should consider their own history – where do they come from, what is their ethnic heritage, are they a woman or a man, do they have children of their own – and the list goes on. Because of the diverse nature of these college transfer student scholarships, the more specific a student can be the more likely they will find programs available for them and the more likely those programs will have smaller applicant pools. Of course once students have narrowed their scholarship search, applying to broader programs will be necessary to better maximize their award potential.

Amongst the many scholarships for transfer students available, the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation’s Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship program is one of the best. Every year this transfer student scholarship program awards $30,000 each for up 50 students which can be used for tuition and living purposes. Like many foundation scholarship programs, the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation does require that schools, not individuals, be enrolled in their scholarship program, so interested students should consult with their individual institution to see if it is available there. The program is available specifically to those students who are transferring from a two-year institution into a four year one, and who will be at least a sophomore by academic standards. Students must also have maintained a 3.5 grade point average or better throughout their time in higher education and have a significant financial need. Finally, the student’s academic institution must feel confident enough in their pupil to nominate them for the program, and they cannot have been previously nominated for an award.

Because of the amount the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship offers, students should expect competition at their individual college to be fairly stiff, so it is best to prepare for this program early in their academic career. By planning to seek out a nomination at their local college, students can be sure to perform well academically while participating actively in various student oriented organizations. In order to best plan to achieve a nomination, students should be aware that being involved while being academically responsible will put them in a better light at their institution.

Many college scholarships for transfer students are made available at the institutional level by the specific college individuals are planning to attend. A good example of one such program would be the Central Michigan University Transfer Scholarship Program, available specifically to those students planning to come to CMU from another college. Many college transfer student scholarships fall under this title, so we will focus on one in particular – the Community College Transfer Recognition Award. This program is available to all students who are transferring into CMU from a community college with a GPA of 3.3 and at least 30 transferable credits. If students are able to maintain a 3.25 grade point average after their first year at CMU, they will be eligible to reapply for the college transfer scholarship. It awards $1,000 to students who are eligible for the program and is applied for while students are completing the university’s application process.

College transfer student scholarships are widely available to those looking to enter a new academic institution. Often times they are found at the specific university or college students are transferring into, so a first stop should be at the financial aid office. If your school does not provide a program for students who are transferring in, do not worry as there are many programs available privately from foundations and groups. If you take a moment to look around, you will find yourself pleasantly surprised by the available options.

Harry Truman Scholarship for Transfer Students

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Earlham College in Richmond, Indiana have transfer student Scholarships

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